Calculation specialist on structural load calculations

Calculation specialist on structural load calculations

FRECON has for a couple of years served as a calculation specialist for Danhydra, who is a supplier of tools and solutions to the global wind industry.

It is FRECON’s long and successful track-record in design and calculations for wind turbines which is the backdrop of the collaboration with Danhydra A/S and the customers of Danhydra. The company’s solutions are used for the installation and servicing of wind turbines.

Ida Rasmussen, CEO in FRECON:

“Our close and exciting collaboration with Danhydra started back in 2017. In the collaboration with Danhydra we most often did structural load calculations. The majority of our work was performed at our own office, but in close collaboration with the customers. This provides an excellent opportunity to get ongoing feedback from our skilled professionals, which can result in new aspects to a project.”


Examples on calculation tasks for Danhydra:

  • Pitch-lock for a leading wind OEM (further development and structural verification)
    A pitch lock is a device used in various repair tasks in a turbine hub, which enables the blades to be locked in place during repair. Additional iterations were needed before the structure was strong enough to be able to withstand the heavy loads that arise during strong winds. Today, the pitch lock has been put into production and operation.
  • Calculations on tool to handle extremely heavy loads during blade installation (cogwheel calculations – thinking outside the box was needed). Today, this tool is also being manufactured and in operation at an end customer of Danhydra.
We experience every time how FRECON staff are equipped with high-calibre expertise which we can infuse directly into our own project teams. They are also directly involved in project meetings and reviews with the end customer, providing us with valuable three-way collaboration.
Peter Kristoffersen,
CDO, Danhydra
Fast, high-quality and flexible support
Peter Kristoffersen is extremely satisfied with the collaboration with FRECON and praises the services they provide for being high quality, precise, self-explanatory and presentable.

Picture kindly loaned from Danhydra’s website and is not an example of a solution FRECON has been in on. The picture is just for illustration.
Fast, high-quality and flexible support
They’re always quick to support us in pressured situations and very flexible. This is valuable to us as we’re involved with customers in multiple time zones, and it enhances the collaboration with our customers.
Peter Kristoffersen,
CDO, Danhydra
Frederik Rytter

What can we do for you?

If you would like to hear more about FRECON or have any questions about how we can help you and your company, then please contact:
Frederik Rytter
Senior Solution Engineer & Partner