New employees in FRECON
Rasmus Worup has been employed as a Senior Design Engineer with effect from 1 November 2018. Rasmus has a degree in mechanical engineering from 2007 and has also trained as a motor mechanic, which he completed in 1996. He has previously helped start the company ECOmove, where he worked with the development and production of prototype components for electric cars. Rasmus comes from a job as a project engineer with Busch Vakuumteknik.
Ane Struck Knudsen has been employed as a Sales and Marketing Assistant with effect from 1 November 2018. Ane has a Master’s degree in business communication and a Bachelor’s degree in humanities informatics from Aarhus University, specialising in communication and digital media. She brings broad experience in marketing, communication, sales support and HR and has worked for companies like Genau & More.
Photo: Ane Struck Knudsen (left) and Rasmus Worup (right)