Press release
Since this summer, FRECON has created growth and new business opportunities for SMEs under the initiative genstartNU (translates restartNOW). The first customer in a new pool from the Danish Industry Foundation is WeldingDroid, which is known from the Danish TV-show “Løvens Hule” (like the UK version Dragon’s Den) and has investments from Danish entrepreneurs Jesper Buch and Jacob Risgaard. Up to 100 Danish SMEs will have received a technical helping hand from FRECON in 2021 with the new grant pool.
The initiative “genstartNU” was launched by the Danish Industry Foundation in the Spring when the corona crisis was at its height to strengthen the competitiveness of Danish SMEs. As an SME within technical expertise, FRECON meets customers at eye level and has in 2020 helped more than 40 Danish SMEs through the crisis. A new grant pool enables the engineering company to have helped up to 100 SMEs with technical challenges and innovation projects by 2021.
“We are incredibly pleased with the trust that the Danish Industry Foundation has shown us in this project, and we have already experienced the positive effect for many companies. They move forward as top-tuned companies with new opportunities within reach. That is why we are very excited to have the opportunity to offer our assistance to even more people,” says Michael Elefsen, CCO at FRECON.
Even a “Lion” can feel the corona crisis: WeldingDroid benefits from the collaboration
WeldingDroid is among a varied customer portfolio in FRECON’s new “genstartNU” pool. The company has already convinced investors Jesper Buch and Jacob Risgaard and Danish TV viewers that they have created a product that can change the welding industry after their participation in the TV-show “Løvens Hule”. WeldingDroid’s automated welding machines can save the blacksmith from uncomfortable working positions and speed up the production 6 times. Nevertheless, the corona crisis is felt even for those with good invention, and therefore the counseling hours from FRECON provided a good input on the journey towards continued growth.
“FRECON’s documentation and load capacity calculations showed us that our welding machine can actually weld up to 3-400 kilo heavier pipes than previously assumed. This puts our invention in a much more advantageous position and can hopefully help us in our sales work,” says CEO of WeldingDroid, Kevin Christensen.
In FRECON, the task for WeldingDroid has helped launch the new “genstartNU” pool successfully.
“With our tasks and counselling hours we can often see the results immediately. SMEs get a very tangible solution, which can strengthen their competitiveness,” says Michael Elefsen from FRECON and elaborates: “Working with an investment darling like WeldingDroid has been so much fun, and we are like Jesper Buch and Jacob Risgaard convinced that they have a cool business idea with an innovative welding machine – it is well thought out!”