Project teams and consultants

Project teams and consultants

Do you need technical support from a complete or partial project team or individual consultants?

When you choose FRECON, you gain a broad team of consultants, all of whom have different areas of specialisation experience.

You get a team who excel in helping each other and drawing on our variety of lessons learnt from mechanical design. We will gladly field an entire or partial project team or individual consultants – depending on your needs and requirements.



Our project team provides you with close, more effective collaboration – in-house or at FRECON. We have a broad range of skillsets, enabling us to carry out different project roles, and we have all the necessary software suites at our disposal.

We complement each other very well. Even if a customer chooses individual consultants, these are always supported by a team of professional specialists.
Frederik Rytter

Want to learn more about our project teams and consultants?

We would gladly discuss your best options for your specific situation.
Frederik Rytter
Senior Solution Engineer & Partner