It’s neither a bird or a plane. It’s SuperMajken!
FRECON welcomes Majken Paulick back at our team
Majken is an adrenalin craving and dutiful nerd with high ambitions and an eye for details. She is a hard core 2D Design Engineer with years of experience in the wind industry.
Fear of heights? No problem
But there is more to Majken. After office hours she has a full-on Clark Kent routine changing into her flight outfit, and then she sets off into the sky. Because Majken loves to paraglide (despite her fear of heights?!) and to fly with the birds in the sky. “I love the adrenalin kick I get standing at the cliff pulling up the paraglider and stepping into nothing. Hovering along a coast 60 meter above sea level is really awesome” she explains.

Photo: Private
Aside from her craving for adrenalin, Majken has since the age of 10 been a choir singer. Her choir has won EM Gold and two Silver medals at The World Choir Games. She has also been a choir singer for e.g., Barbara Moleko, Thomas Buttenschøn, Peter Sommer and has even been singing for the Danish Queen! Pretty cool Majken!
Fighter mentality
Majkens ability to fly high and jump into the unknown says a lot about her work as well. “I like jumping into unknow tasks. It is the variation which makes it fun, and it gives me the opportunity to learn something new” she explains.
When jumping on board just anything she puts in her heart and soul. If not the Gold and Silver medals are an example hereof, Majken has never missed a deadline in her career. “That is how I was brought up. You make a promise – you keep it. Even if you are the last person in a chain of events – then you have to work at night to meet deadline.”
At FRECON we already know Majken as a loving stubborn, firecracker with an amazing fighter mentality, and as a chatterbox around the coffee machine. She has a ton of stories about her former time at FRECON 2008-2018 and we are glad to have her back at the office, where she is already working on projects within the wind industry.
Welcome back Majken!